Where All The Magic Happens…


Over 2 years ago, I shared on this blog my set up for blogging! A lot has changed over these two years. So I thought I would share my set up, again, and share my process of making it look less bare then it is right now! 
Here it is:
The walls are pretty bare, and I definitely want to do some sort of DIY to make it look better.
I mainly use my iMac for blogging and watching random youtube videos, or tv shows, and I use my PC mainly for gaming. My pc is called Eric, and my iMac is Christine (YES, it is because of phantom of the opera)! 
My desk and lights are Ikea, the chair is from Staples.
On the gaming side of my desk, I have my lil monkey (actually a bookmark from Denmark), and my Marshall headphones.

On my blogging side I have a little iPhone notepad, the nail polish that I used for a post, some water, and my iPhone.

In the middle of the desk I have a pencil sharpener, two candles, a little luggage box that I painted myself, as well as the tray that I just put random stuff in it. I also have a little macaron that I got from Target, and in the back I have my dry erase calendar for the blog, that way I know what I am writing in the following weeks.
As I start buying things for the space, I will be sharing here on Couture Macaroon, so make sure to like CM’s FB page!
What suggestions do you have for me to put on my wall?
What is on your desk?

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